I Am Un-perfect

I am unperfect.

Somewhere between deficient and flawless lays a status of simply being in the process.

How can we be perfect if we are not yet finished becoming who we are to become?

In this state, my state of TODAY, I believe we must be “un”perfect because my being is “un”done.

I have not yet arrived; I am still in the process. Should I be fully formed- of body, of mind, and of spirit, I fear I would be “im”perfect. And as embarrassed as I am every day of my failings, I should hope that these hours are not defined by inadequacies and oversights on the part of my living. I long that my everyday existence is just another step in the journey. Another day of growth and learning. One more brushstroke of my life’s work.

Tomorrow I will work towards learning more ways of the world. Tomorrow I will push my mind to acquire more knowledge. Tomorrow I will stretch and nourish and rest my body. Tomorrow I will seek to self-actualize. Tomorrow I will mentor and listen and pray and work and dream. Again. Better than today. And better yet again the next day.

No, I hope I shall never be finished developing. There is too much to learn. My body will age without (and even despite!) my intervention. My soul reads:  “work in progress”. My unperfect soul.

Bethany Miller is an explorer in life and in business. She’s an airline pilot, businesswoman, veteran and world traveler. Fascinated by global issues and the business of business, Bethany is a doctoral candidate at Université Paris-Dauphine in Paris, France, and is researching extraordinary employees in chaotic work environments.
